<% ' To add more info to the Body of your email message: ' 1) comment in the '& vbcrlf&_ at the end of the Mail.Body line ' 2) edit the Additional Fields shown as examples redo=false showform=true If Request.Form("submit") = "Send email" Then showform = false mFrom=cStr(Request("varFrom")) mFromName=cStr(Request("varFromName")) mSubject=cStr(Request("varSubject")) mBody=cStr(Request("varBody")) if mfrom = "" or mFromName = "" or mSubject = "" or mBody = "" then redo=true showform=true end if if redo = true then response.write "You did not enter one or more fields correctly. All items must be filled in." else '----------------- dim oCdoMsg, oCdoConfg, strReferer, strServer, strClientIP, strServerIP, blnSpam set oCdoMsg = server.createobject("CDO.Message") strReferer = request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER") strServer = Replace(request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME"), "www.", "") strClientIP = request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") strServerIP = request.servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR") 'response.write "
" & strReferer & strServer & strClientIP & strServerIP &"
" intComp = inStr(strReferer, strServer) If intComp > 0 Then blnSpam = False 'response.write "not spam
" Else ' Spam Attempt Block blnSpam = True 'response.write "spam
" End If 'response.write mfrom oCdoMsg.to = "mail@jswiss.co.uk" oCdoMsg.From = mfrom oCdoMsg.Subject = mSubject oCdoMsg.Textbody = mBody strMSSchema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" Set oCdoConfg = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") oCdoConfg.Fields.Item(strMSSchema & "sendusing") = 1 oCdoConfg.Fields.Item(strMSSchema & "smtpserver") = "smtp." & strServer oCdoConfg.Fields.Update Set oCdoMsg.Configuration = oCdoConfg If NOT blnSpam Then oCdoMsg.send strResult = "Mail Sent." Else strResult = "Mail Not Sent." End If 'response.write "result: " & strResult set oCdoMsg = nothing set oCdoConfg = nothing '------------------ 'Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender") 'Mail.Host = "relay.hostinguk.net" ' Specify a valid SMTP server mail.yourserver.com 'Mail.From = cStr(Request("varFrom")) 'Senders Email Address 'Mail.FromName = cStr(Request("varFromName")) ' Specify sender's name 'Mail.AddAddress cStr("jswiss@jswiss.co.uk") 'cStr(Request("varTo")) 'Recipient Email Address 'Mail.AddCC cStr("tim@collectivearts.co.uk")'cStr(Request("varCC")) 'Carbon Copy Email Address 'Mail.Subject = cStr(Request("varSubject")) 'Email Subject 'Mail.Body = cStr(Request("varBody")) '& vbcrlf&_ '' "Additional Field1 Value Name: " & cStr(Request("varYourField1"))& vbcrlf&_ '' "Additional Field2 Value Name: " & cStr(Request("varYourField2"))& vbcrlf&_ 'On Error Resume Next 'Mail.Send 'Set Mail = Nothing 'Clean up your objects!!! If Err <> 0 Then Response.Write "Error encountered: " & Err.Description End If 'Response.Redirect("thanks.asp") 'comment this in to use this to redirect page after delivery %>

Message Delivered.

If you would like to send another message, click here.

<%end if end if if showform = true then %>
  • If you would like to contact Janet please use this form to send her an email.
    Please fill in all items.

<%if redo=true and mfrom = "" then%> Your Email Address <%else%> Your Email Address <%end if%>
<%if redo=true and mfromname = "" then%> Your Name <%else%> Your Name <%end if%>
<%if redo=true and msubject = "" then%> Subject <%else%> Subject <%end if%>
<%if redo=true and mbody = "" then%> Message <%else%> Message <%end if%>

If you are enquiring about a specific
item please state the items title.

If you are enquiring about a
commission please give as
many details as possible.

<% End If %>


01747 838718

Goldings, Woodville,
Stour Provost, Gillingham,
Dorset SP8 5LX